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Give your customers more spending power

When customers aren’t limited by the cash in their wallets, it’s easier for them to make more purchases on the spot.

Reduce theft

Electronic payments are safe and more secure than cash, and by managing less cash, you're less vulnerable to theft or mishandling.

Get paid quickly

When customers pay with a card, you’re guaranteed to get paid.

Remove foreign currency limitations

Electronic payments using Mastercard and Maestro® payment products are settled in U.S. dollars, regardless of the currency the customer uses.

Simplify back-office operations

Reducing the amount of time spent making bank deposits and reconciling payments, giving you more time to focus on business-boosting tasks.

Expand your base

Customers seek businesses that accept electronic payments — it's convenient and they can take advantage of rewards programs from their issuing banks.

Lets customers buy what they want, when they want

By accepting Mastercard, your customers will be able to purchase what they want, quickly and easily.

Save time during checkout

With just a swipe or a tap of a card, customers can speed through checkout.